Welcome to the Sword Series™ library, a
collection of theological essays on the key doctrines, practices,
and principles of Christianity as taught in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism). Each essay is has been
formatted in PFD to ensure the FCS maintains its copyright, while
allowing free and easy download and distribution of each essay.
Feel free to use and distribute these essays in electronic or
printed format for such things as personal study, church sermons,
family discussions, Sunday school lessons and other gospel
centered purposes.
The term “Sword Series” was inspired by the Apostle Paul in his
letter to the Ephesians when he urged the people to put on the
“whole armour of God,” using the “sword of the spirit” as a
metaphor for the “word of God” (Eph. 6:13-17). Jesus also used the
sword analogy as a metaphor for the truth of the gospel—having the
power to pierce the hearts of men (Matt. 10:34). The FCS is
heeding this divinely inspired admonition to prepare ourselves
spiritually by making this trademarked and copyrighted collection
of gospel truth available free to the public. |