late prophet and past president of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints Gordon B. Hinckley is quoted as saying
“We recognize the good in all churches. We recognize the value
of religion generally. We say to everyone: live the teachings
which you have received from your church. We invite you to
come and learn from us, to see if we can add to those
teachings and enhance your life and your understanding of
things sacred and divine” (London News Service 8/28/1995. Also
see Ensign, November 2002, page 78 and Ensign, October 2006,
page 5). One can come to know and have a close relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ through prayer and meditation only,
otherwise such a relationship would be closed to those who are
illiterate. However, knowing the Savior and His gospel is
greatly accelerated and enhanced through diligent study of the
scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. For this
reason the FCS includes this study forum as a means of
inspiring visitors to conduct their own study to enhance their
personal journey in Jesus Christ.
Although the FCS focuses its content on the Christian
doctrines and principles as found in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism), echoing the words of
Gordon B. Hinckley there is a recognition that God’s grace
through the atonement of His only begotten son Jesus Christ is
extended and taught in thousands of other Christian Churches.
Such churches often have different Christian doctrinal beliefs
than those taught in Mormonism. The FCS encourages all
visitors to compare the doctrines and principles of
Christianity found in their own faith and those of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with those of
other Christian Churches. In doing so you are urged to look
for differences, but more importantly commonality that can be
built upon for continued dialogue and increased Christian
To that
end the website
Religion Facts does an excellent job of providing
objective and typically accurate information on various
religions, including a large number of Christian religions.
Although the summaries provided by Religion Facts are
excellent, readers should conduct their own comprehensive
study, including prayer, to understand and internalize the
doctrines and principles of Jesus Christ and how they apply to
their own lives. Worth noting, Religion Facts does not include
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism)
under its categorization of Christian Churches, but rather
keeps it separate as being neither Catholic nor Protestant in
denominational affiliation.
the FCS
cannot vouch for the overall accuracy of the information
provided by Religion Facts, thus personal study is encouraged.
Visit Religion Facts at to being your own comparison

By increasing our understanding of one another’s beliefs, we
can forge a bond of friendship that will advance the essential
purposes of Christianity, purposes that cross denominational
and doctrinal boundaries to fulfill Christ’s mission on earth.
In that spirit the FCS provides a number of links below to
active and vibrant online religious forums and communities: