The Executive Director and Founder of the Foundation for Christian Studies is Eric Shuster, who along with his wife Marilyn, left the rich and beautiful traditions of the Catholic faith to become members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1989. Before their conversion to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, both Eric and Marilyn were active and devoted Catholics—Marilyn having been a Franciscan Nun with a bachelor’s degree in Catholic Theology from the distinguished University of Saint Thomas in Houston Texas, and Eric having served in lay ministry and leadership positions in Texas and California. Their story of conversion, along with comprehensive comparisons of key doctrines between Catholicism and Mormonism, will be available in a forthcoming book scheduled for an April 2009 release preliminarily titled Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest.

Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest is the captivating story of Eric and Marilyn’s conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism with comparisons of 40 key doctrines between both religions that drove their life-changing decision. The book delivers a unique journey of how they were able to retain the spiritual roots from their Catholic upbringing, while enriching their lives with a harvest of peace and joy that comes from membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—hence the title of the book. Once the book is released it will be available in bookstores and the usual web outlets for purchase, including the FCS website.

The Conversion Story
The conversion story of Eric and Marilyn begins with their marriage in 1987 and subsequent move to the wide open spaces of South Texas next door to a family with ten children. Although having a few minor concerns with their beloved Catholicism, neither Eric nor Marilyn had any intentions of changing religions. In fact, they had their first son baptized into the Catholic Church after Marilyn left her position as Associate Director of Youth Ministry for the Houston-Galveston Diocese. All the while Eric was the leader of a parish quartet singing group.

Over time Eric and Marilyn became curious as they observed the family next door. The family impressed them with their Christ-like examples in serving one another and others in the area with love and generosity. With the birth of their first child, Eric and Marilyn were the recipients of their neighbor’s service, touching their hearts and increasing more their curiosity about what motivated them to such dedicated service. From time to time the neighbors would share their Christian beliefs and invite Eric and Marilyn to various family and Church activities. Thinking their neighbors belonged to some mainstream Christian religion, there was great disappointment to the Shuster’s in finding out their neighbors were Mormons. Eric and Marilyn knew little about the Mormon faith other than the usual stories of plural marriage and bicycling missionaries going door to door.

Eventually finding out the true name of the church to be the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Eric and Marilyn kept a close watch on their neighbors with a mixture of amazement at their Christ-centered lives and bewilderment of their choice of religions. When curiosity about their neighbor’s fruitful lives turned into genuine interest, Eric and Marilyn decided to investigate more fully the doctrines and practices of Mormonism.

Over the course of that next year, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, there was an abundance of studying, pondering, praying, crying, and relinquishing for Eric and Marilyn as they carefully navigated their investigation of the LDS faith. During their investigation there was a number of stirring spiritual and temporal experiences, many of which could only be explained as miracles at the hands of God. Having eventually run out of reasons to resist the inspiration of the Lord, on June 24th, 1989 Eric and Marilyn entered the waters of baptism and became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On July 14th, 1990 Eric and Marilyn were sealed for all time and eternity in the Holy Temple, allowing their family to be together forever.

There is so much more to the story, but until the book arrives that will have to suffice.
Stay tuned for more details.

Comparative Doctrinal Study
A key part of Eric and Marilyn’s journey of conversion was the serious study of doctrines and practices between the Catholic Church and the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their diligent study took place before and after their baptism, using the comprehensive Catechism of the Catholic Church and various official LDS doctrinal materials to ensure sound and objective analysis and understanding. The methodology used by Eric Shuster in writing the book, which is recommended for all who wish to earnestly study Christian doctrine, is explained in the study preparation section of the FCS website.

Questions and Comments
Eric and Marilyn welcome your questions or comments regarding their conversion from the Catholic Church to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at or respectively. Due to the volume of email received it is not always possible for the Shuster’s to personally respond to every email, therefore your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated. 

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