Foundation for Christian Studies (FCS) Book Store offers a
handpicked variety of inspired books that will provide the
spiritually hungry disciple of Christ a solid foundation of
Christian doctrine and scriptural insights to feast upon. The
bookstore features a selection of scriptures, along with
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Christian theology texts,
most of which are aligned with the teachings of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism). Each one of
these texts is meant to compliment the scripture study and
devotionals of individuals and families.
Scriptures |
Basic Christian Theology |
Christian Theology
| Advanced
Christian Theology
Bible, New International Version - Life Application Study
Bible |
The NIV edition of today's #1selling study Bible has been
updated and expanded. Over 300 new Life Application notes,
nearly 350 note revisions, 16 new personality profiles,
updated charts, and a Christian Worker's Resource have
been added. The Life Application Study Bible not only
explains difficult passages and provides valuable
background on Bible life and times but also shows how
God's Word speaks to every circumstance and situation of
life. There are no cross references to modern day
scriptures included. |
The Holy Bible, King James Version with Modern Day
Scriptural Cross References |

From Deseret Books |
This King James version includes detailed cross references
to the other three standard scriptural works - the Book of
Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great
Price. Included in this robust study Bible is a Bible
dictionary, a topical guide, and maps as additional
Christian study aids. |
Triple Combination - Book of Mormon, Doctrine and
Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price |

From Deseret Books |
As a complement to the Holy Bible, this triple combination
includes the Book of Mormon - another testament of Jesus
Christ; the Doctrine and Covenants - a compilation of
revelations given on Church doctrine, organization, and
principles; and the Pearl of Great Price - containing the
Book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, and a collection of
inspired writings from the Prophet Joseph Smith. This
scriptural work is a companion to the King James Version
of the Bible with modern day scriptural cross references
(listed above) |
The Complete Scriptures - All Four Standard Works in One
Volume |

From Deseret Books |
This quadruple combination is made with bonded leather
covers (reconstituted leather fibers), lightweight
acid-free paper, gilded page edges, ribbon markers and
thumb-indexing. The quadruple combination includes the
King James Version of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the
Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price bound
in one book. It contains cross-references to all the
standard works, the Topical Guide, the Bible Dictionary,
an index to the triple combination, two sections of maps
and pictures, and footnote references to the Joseph Smith
Translation. Approximately 5 1/4' x 7 1/4' |
The Biblical Roots
of Mormonism, by Eric Shuster & Charles Sale |
The Biblical Roots of Mormonism is the result of an
effort to discover Mormonism—root and branch—as it is
revealed in the Bible. Latter-day Saints want to know the
biblical ground they stand on. Others want to know what
Mormons believe and how those beliefs are biblically
justified. Biblical Roots will show how the Bible,
standing alone, sustains Mormon theology and practice.
Each chapter provides detailed commentary on specific
doctrines and gives comprehensive support using hundreds
of biblical passages revealing fresh insights about the
Bible and how to learn and teach from it. Authors Eric
Shuster and Chuck Sale take readers on a journey through
the Bible and Mormonism to reveal how both are unshakably
connected. |
Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest, by Eric Shuster |
Catholic Roots, Mormon Harvest is the captivating story of
Eric and Marilyn’s conversion from Catholicism to
Mormonism with comparisons of 40 key doctrines between
both religions that drove their life-changing decision.
The book delivers a unique journey of how they were able
to retain the spiritual roots from their Catholic
upbringing, while enriching their lives with a harvest of
peace and joy that comes from membership in the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—hence the title of the
book. For more information on the book see |
The Life and Teachings of
Jesus Christ, Vol. 2: From Transfiguration through
Triumphal Entry, by Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Thomas
A. Wayment |
New research and discussion
continues to cast greater illumination on the life of the
Savior Jesus Christ. This collection of highly accessible
essays by respected, prominent theologians Holzapfel and
Wayment delves into aspects of the Savior's life and
ministry from the Mount of Transfiguration to his
triumphal entry at Jerusalem. More than a scriptural
commentary, the essays draw from the latest research to
develop the historical and social context surrounding
these events, offering a more complete view of what
actually transpired. Improve your understanding of why
crowds became increasingly polarized in their reactions to
Jesus Christ, and discover a new wealth of information
about the Savior. |
Believing Christ, the Parable of the Bicycle and Other
Good News, by Stephen E. Robinson |
Robinson illustrates the power of the Savior as he uses
analogies and parables, such as his own bicycle story, and
scriptures and personal experiences in this moving,
best-selling book. "Mortals have finite liabilities," he
explains, "and Jesus has unlimited assets." By merging the
two, exaltation can come. As long as we progress in some
degree, the Lord will be pleased and will bless us. We
must not only believe in Christ but also believe him -
believe that he has the power to exalt us, that he can do
what he claims. People will better understand the
doctrines of mercy, justification, and salvation by grace
after reading this book. |
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder, by Le Grand Richards |
Le Grand Richards, the late apostle and Church leader,
presents his most definitive work in this bestselling book
on the gospel of Jesus Christ. This volume discusses core
Christian beliefs including the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost; past and modern day scriptures; the ordinances of
salvation; and the afterlife. Richards illuminates the
doctrines into easy to understand wording and challenges
the reader to a deeper and more meaningful relationship
with the Savior Jesus Christ. |
Christianity, by C.S. Lewis |
The late Lewis, Oxford professor, scholar, author, and
Christian apologist, presents the listener with a case for
orthodox Christianity. This is definitely not the
shouting, stomping, sweating, spitting televangelist fare
so often parodied; Lewis employs logical arguments that
are eloquently expressed. He describes those doctrines
that the four major denominations in Britain (Anglican,
Methodist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic) would have in
common, e.g., original sin, the transcendent Creator God,
and the divinity of Jesus as well as his atonement and
bodily resurrection. |
Bridging the Divide: The Continuing Conversation between a
Mormon and an Evangelical, by Dr. Robert L. Millet
(Author), Gregory C. V. Johnson (Author), Craig L.
Blomberg (Foreword) |
Inspired by the groundbreaking publication of How Wide the
Divide? A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation, (InterVarsity,
1997) Robert L. Millet, a lifelong Mormon, former dean of
religious education, and currently a Professor of
Religious Education at Brigham Young University, and
Gregory C.V. Johnson, a ordained Baptist pastor from Utah
and a former Mormon, meet and begin their own
conversation. Eventually they take their dialogues public,
appearing in Mormon, Evangelical and academic venues. The
first part of the book is a Q&A between the two authors;
the second part is a Q&A with Mormon and Evangelical
audiences. Throughout the work, the authors provide
guiding principles of constructive conversation and
promote the concept of "convicted civility." |
The Infinite Atonement, by Tad
R. Callister
The Infinite Atonement is rapidly becoming a classic, as
it offers what may be the most comprehensive treatment of
the Atonement of Jesus Christ in our day. With clarity,
testimony, and understanding, Callister teaches us rich
and wonderful truths about this "doctrine of doctrines,"
and elevates our spirits as we contemplate the perfect
love of Him who gave us all that we might receive all. |
Draw Closer to God, by Henry B. Eyring
In this timeless work Henry B. Eyring explains some of the
ways we can claim the three promises offered in D&C 88:63:
"Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me
diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall
receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you." In his
thoughtful, spiritual style, Eyring discusses such topics
as learning to hear the Lord's voice, choosing to be good,
overcoming trials of faith, strengthening the family,
surrendering to Christ, and helping others draw closer to
the Lord. If you would like to have the Spirit of the Lord
with you more often, if you would like to feel closer to
your Father in Heaven and have him be closer to you,
you'll appreciate the insights and messages in this
collection of inspiring discourses. |
Christ and the New Covenant, by Jeffrey R. Holland
Introducing a major new doctrinal work written by Elder
Jeffrey R. Holland who shares his apostolic witness of the
central figure of Christianity - the Lord Jesus Christ ---
focusing on the testimonies given by Book of Mormon
prophets. For most of a decade, Elder Holland has read the
Book of Mormon repeatedly and thoroughly, focusing on all
references to the Savior and his teachings. The result is
an intelligent observation and thorough study of the Book
of Mormon's contribution to our understanding of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.. |
The Gift of
the Atonement: Favorite Writings on the Atonement of Jesus
Christ, by Eagle Gate |
In this unique collection, some of the most important and
inspirational writings from Christian leaders and other
beloved writers about Christ's great atoning sacrifice
have been assembled. Each chapter increases our
understanding of this extraordinary and marvelous event,
offering insights on the plan of salvation, grace and
repentance, and resonates with gospel truth. Presented as
a beautiful gift book to share with family and friends,
the pages of this small treasure are filled with hope and
reassurance. The Gift of the Atonement will urge readers
to embrace the Savior Jesus Christ's invitation to follow
Him and claim the wondrous blessings of exaltation. |
The Broken
Heart, Bruce C. Hafen |
The Broken Heart considers the role of the Lord's saving
grace in the mortal experience. Comprising collected
essays, some written previously and some written
especially for this volume, Bruce Hafen writes of the
important doctrine of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. A
bestseller in hardback, The Broken Heart will encourage,
uplift, and inspire. |
The Great
Apostasy, by James E. Talmage |

The Great
James E. Talmage

This volume is James E. Talmage's thorough discussion of
the significance of the great apostasy as a condition for
the reestablishment of the Church in modern times. The
book includes a summary of the most important evidences of
the decline and final extinction of the primitive church,
offering a clear understanding of the apostasy and the
restoration of the priesthood. |
Miracle of
Forgiveness, by Spencer. W. Kimball |
Written for those who truly want to
understand sin, its affects on the human spirit, the
consequences of the unrepentant, and the breathtaking
forgivness that can only come through the Atonement of
Christ--Spencer W. Kimball tells it like it is, using the
scriptures to illuminate and illustrate key points.
Kimball's approach to recognizing and dealing with bad
choices and accountability is sorely needed in our ever
wandering society of today. Not for the faint of heart,
this book pulls no punches and is void of any watered-down
"feel good" philosophies that often accompany books on
this all important subject. We as humans are imperfect,
are likely to sin, and can come to experience the miracle
of forgiveness through the sacrifice of the Savior Jesus
Christ by way of repentance. If you want the plain truth
about sin and forgiveness, than this book is for you.
Jesus the
Christ (Collector's Edition), by James E. Talmage |

Jesus the Christ, Collector's Editio...
James E. Talmage

"Jesus the Christ" is one of the classics
in Christian theology, written in the Holy Temple at the
hand of the apostle James E. Talmage. Commissioned by a
prophet of God and written nearly 100 years ago, this
timeless work was meant to be a comprehensive reference
and Church textbook and is one of the few approved books
for missionaries to read while serving a mission. This
book covers every major aspect of Jesus Christ starting
with Christ in the premortal existence; his mortal
ministry in Palestine; his infinite atonement, and finally
his post mortal ministry in the Spirit Word. This is a
work of advanced Christian doctrine which will require a
dictionary nearby given the exquisite language used by
Talmage. |
Lectures on
Faith, by Joseph Smith |

Lectures on Faith
Joseph Smith

The lessons popularly known as the
Lectures on Faith were originally delivered to a class of
Church leaders in the winter of 1834. They consist of
seven theological and doctrinal treatises prepared chiefly
by the Prophet Joseph Smith and were written so as to give
instruction about the faith needed to enable one to fully
understand and obtain the fullness of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. The lectures are logically and systematically
arranged and scripturally based. Their purpose, as stated
in the first lecture, is "designed to unfold to the
understanding the doctrine of Jesus Christ." Elder Bruce
R. McConkie has appraised the lectures as "some of the
best lesson material ever prepared on the Godhead; on the
character, perfections, and attributes of God; on faith,
miracles, and sacrifice. They can be studied with great
profit by all gospel scholars." |
Articles of
Faith, by James E. Talmage |
When the editor of the Chicago Democrat
newspaper asked Joseph Smith about Mormonism in 1842, the
church founder responded with a short history and a list
of doctrinal statements identifying the basic tenets of
the faith. This short list became known as the Articles of
Faith. In 1899 James Talmage published his ground-breaking
treatise that bore the same name-a book that has been a
standard of Christian thought for over a century. Topics
include the nature of God, the Atonement of Jesus Christ,
sacraments and ordinances, Zion, the purpose of modern day
scriptures, and humankind in the nation, church, and the
cosmos. This facsimile reproduction of Talmage's original
work includes an explanatory introduction by Talmage
scholar James Harris and a special appendix that reprints
Talmage's 1930 revision of the Doctrine and Covenants
called Latter-day Revelation. |
The books of FCS Executive Director Eric Shuster will always
be available in the store due to the large amount of proceeds
that are generated from Mr. Shuster’s books towards the FCS’s
charitable causes.
products are offered through the secure transaction engine of